100WC week#8


                                                                      Fright Night

  We all gasped at what we saw in front of us, we had just entered fright night. First on our list was to visit the haunted house. I didn't open my eyes the whole time. I felt a flame swimming up toward my mouth I was about to hurl but I kept it in because I was wearing my favorite white blouse and wanted to keep it white. As we walked in a huddle toward the exit, I ran out and celebrated with joy jumping up and down, I made it out alive. I am certainly not coming back tomorrow.


  1. I love the way you said "I felt a flame swimming up toward my mouth." I think that was a great use of words. Same with me, I would not go back the next day.

  2. Fright Night should be capitalized because it is the name of something. I am wondering how you would feel a flame swimming up towards your mouth. Was it a flame of fire? This part is just a little confusing. You have choses some great adjectives to descriptive the details in your story.


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